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I Might Not Be the Right One for You


I tend to blur the line between work and personal relationships. In fact I tend to treat that line as non existent.

For example, I’m still in contact with a co-worker from my first job as a bartender as well as my second boss, from when I was an admin clerk in a trust company. I still trade phone calls with and refer business to a co-worker form the third job ( Collections at a leasing company).

All of these relationships are over 30 years old.

I’m still friends with and regularly talk to people from high school as well as kids I used to play with on the first street we lived on when we came to Canada.

Over time, I’ve come to realise most of what I do and who I am is because of a need to build relationships and community around me. I benefit from it and hopefully the people I connect with do as well.

It makes me happy to go to the liquor store and have the person cashing me out tell her co-worker that I was the best boss I ever worked for, or that I can trust my broker principal because he was my boss at one point and he’s one of the straightest guys I’ve ever met.

My business and my life are built on connection and trust with everyone I can.

I look for that feeling of connection and community in every realtor and financial planner I work with and I’ll look for that connection with you, too. I’ll make that commitment.

If you make the commitment to work with me, then, like any friend, I’ll bend over backwards to help and I’ll pretty much be available anytime

When we talk as well, I’ll be up front about this- if you’re looking for just the mortgage transaction, to rate shop or to compete against your bank, I’m not your guy. Let me make that clear – In that situation, I’m not your guy.

I hope to hear from you soon.


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