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Some Place Called Home


A couple of days I go, I met a friend, another broker, for a drink and a chat. It was interesting and a little nerve wracking, meeting after nearly two years of not seeing him.

We talked, I think as we all do these days, about how we have coped and our coping in the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in.

The thing that struck me - which I said out loud to Peter – was that our neighbours have saved me. Any time I feel overwhelmed or stressed, I’ve grabbed the dogs and gone outside. A walk in our little three block oasis in the city almost always includes a chat with one of our neighbours. A chat about their lives, a chat about the dogs, a chat about life in lockdown but actual real contact with actual people. I always come home feeling re-grounded.

As a mortgage broker, my job is to help you finance your place to live, your condo, your townhouse or your house. What I really really want to do though, is help you find your home, the security of a your community, the peace of your new neighbourhood.

So you can feel re- grounded


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